Like many teenage girls my age, I love to read
Seventeen magazine. I usually just look at the fashion section and the beauty section because of the cute clothes or good makeup they suggest. But, throughout the magazine, it's not only the articles that pull me in, but some of the ads throughout. Regularly, a nail polish brand by the name of "Essie" advertises their latest nail polish collections. But, their ads for nail polish aren't so typical; Essie uses a very sophisticated and high-end angle on their ads (ad you can see in the photos featured), where they take their nail polish and make it drip down an ordinary [and usually white] object that really makes the nail polish color really pop and look very glamorous. Each Essie ad has a different angle and theme, whether it be a savory and daring nail polish color collection, a luxurious and glamorous collection, or a beachy collection, Essie is able to appeal to all types of styles and trends!

Essie nails is able to pulls its teenage girl audience with its dazzling ads and the way it features its product. They make it seem very beautiful and a one-of-a-kind and on-trend item. They definitely use the
simple solutions technique, as the luxeeffects collection ad says you can "bring bling to a whole new level" with the use of this nail polish collection. Most of the ads for Essie emphasize the glamour of the nail polish and how fantastic it is. Essie ads appeal to "the need for
prominence", as many Essie ads make the nail polish look spectacular and beautiful over the white objects they're drizzled on, and make the color seem very fashionable and something to admire. Essie tries to also appeal to "the need for
attention", as the nail polish in the ads really stand out over the white objects they're drizzled on, showing how they can really make you stand out as the ad made the nail polish color stand out.

Within Essie ads, one can see the value assumptions the company is trying to sell and appeal towards. With such classy and very unique ads, you can see that they're trying to appeal to those who value uniqueness, boldness, individuality, and standing out in the crowd. In each of the different ads, they also appeal to individual values, such as the nail polish dripping over a compass or a sailboat appeals to those who value adventure, or the glitter polish over a cherry and pink polish dripping over shopping bags appeals to those who value beauty and glamour and class. Essie makes sure they can reach out to all female individuals with each ad they make. But, every single ad Essie creates all creates the same reality assumption: "your life is bland unless you use Essie nail polish. Add some color to your life with Essie!" Although it isn't obviously said, you can tell the message the advertisers are conveying by the way they sell the product: a colorful, dazzling nail lacquer over a bland, white object. They're really selling the idea of being able to add excitement to your bland life if you use Essie nail polish!

I'm definitely one to be entranced by the Essie nail polish ads (my favorite would have to be the luxeffects with the glitter dripping over the cherry, with the nail polish "wicked" dripping over the ice cream coming in second :)). They really do make the nail polish stand out and look very dazzling and beautiful. Being a nail polish collector and trying all types of colors and brands of nail polish, Essie really does look like a collection I should check out. And maybe you can too! They seem to have a nail polish to fit any individual, any personality. :)
Essie has the nail color to fit every person's individuality; which one's yours? :) |
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