Sunday, May 6, 2012

Media Exposed #3: Look down, now look up. Click play. You know what this is.

Look down, look up, look down, now look up.  Does this post smell like Old Spice? Well it should. :{)

We have all seen the classic Old Spice body wash commercial which millions of other companies have tried to imitate to get the same reaction and enormous popularity the original commercial received.  But, was it really because the product was so great, or was it because the commercial was so funny and entertaining?  Old Spice products for men have been around since 1938, and during the 70's were considered to be a big hit.  But, Old Spice hasn't had the same popularity like it did back then thanks to leading competitors like Axe.  Since the product has been around for quite some time, Old Spice needed something to spice up their product (pun intended).  Old Spice's marketers brought in Isaiah Mustafa and a lot of comedy, and they recieved major popularity and a viral commercial.
We can clearly see the campaign solely relies on the wit and humor of Mustafa and his many distractions that make us consider buying Old Spice for our guys.  But, as Isaiah Mustafa says, we want our men to be him, "the man your man can smell like".  Plus, with the glittering generalities of  seeing that with our man smelling like Old Spice, we can suddenly appear on a boat with "tickets to that thing [we] love" that can also sprout diamonds.  Now that's pretty awesome.  Makes you want to buy the product now doesn't it?  Plus, everytime someone imitates Mustafa's witty banter we automatically think "Old Spice" and how hilarious the commercial is.  Old Spice marketing/campaign team, I applaud you.

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