Sunday, May 13, 2012

Media Exposed #4: Odd ad placement - Support the cause, support the sponsors!

Yesterday I went to volunteer at the 16th annual Sacramento Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure event!  The event is to support the fighting of breast cancer, and to celebrate the survivors.  I got up at 4:30 to volunteer for this event, and it was worth getting up so early for.  I saw so many supporters who were racing for the event, and I saw many survivors volunteering and even racing as well.  It was really extraordinary to see so many supporting the fight against breast cancer, and really owning the phrase "think pink." :)
The runners' shirts for the Race for the Cure event - advertisement for a good cause!
As in most of these events supporting a cause, there are sponsors that support it.  And, as usual, t-shirts are handed out to the runners, the volunteers, and so on, all with the sponsors' names and logos on the back of the shirts.  This is one of odd placements of advertising that companies buy into, and are actually very common.  Companies sponsor certain events and causes, and in return they get their name branded and advertised on the shirts &/or plastered around the event.
By advertising companies that not only support but sponsor the fight for breast cancer, what can we pull from this?  Well, one could conclude that the value assumptions of these companies is charity, supporting a good cause, to be aware/raise awareness [of breast cancer], to prepare for the future [by getting mammograms and being cautious of what can lead to breast cancer], to celebrate and remember [those who have fought the fight (against breast cancer)].  Basic advertising appeals aren't really apparent by this odd advertising placement, but by sponsoring this cause, companies are supporting the "need to achieve" and overcome the fight for breast cancer.
We should all be supportive of fighting this fight, and make it a challenge to all to take on the phrase, "think pink." :)

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