Sunday, May 6, 2012

Media Exposed #1: Zico Coconut Water ad

Media really can pop up when you least expect it.  So, on Friday, May 4th I was using my app to look up a word when randomly a video ad takes over my screen.  To me, this is a little weird seeing as the app never usually does this.  The ad was for Zico coconut water, but it never really occurred to me that it was about the water until I had to look for it myself within the mini commercial.  For about 20-30 seconds the Zico ad was showing what looked to be athletic individuals, but they weren't doing anything.  They were just smiling with sunny backgrounds behind them all cheery.  I finally started to guess what the ad was about when about 7 seconds before it ended, I see some of these individuals holding blue cartons, but I still didn't know what the product was.  Finally the ad ended with "Zico coconut water: naturally powered by athletes".
The entire thing left me questioning, "I still don't get it; why would coconut water deal with athletes?  Can't they drink regular water or gatorade instead?"  I went to go look up Zico after the commercial and found out that it's actually coconut water that's supposed to be a natural sports drink.  Then, it left me thinking, "Okay, it's a sports drink.  Why don't you advertise the drink more than the people instead?"  Maybe the marketing team thought it'd be better to show all these happy athletes looking fit and cheerful for drinking their natural sports drink.  They really relied on the use of the technique, "Plain Folks", showing everyday regular people looking strong and fit and happy while they exercise because they were drinking Zico coconut water during their workout (even though they were just sitting around or standing there smiling).
We really can see that advertisement can be really unclear and leave you with so many questions, and can just come out of the blue when you aren't even looking for it.
Zico coconut water: a natural sports drink.  But how are we supposed to guess that?

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